Inventory changes constantly. It's possible that a shoe shown here may not be available currently in the store. There's always more to a shoe than just how it looks. You're best bet is to come in and see for yourself.
Holley's is all about quality clothing built to last. Going "the cheap route" on suits, sport coats, pants or dress shirts will ultimately end up in disappointment and another trip to the store after a while.
This feeling of disappointment is magnified when you buy shoes. Whether you're a street stomping salesman, doctor, attorney or corner office guy, the shoes you wear bare the brunt of your workload.
Low quality shoes fall apart, don't last and ultimately, will cost you just as much or more than a higher end shoe over time.

Check out our new line of Samuel Hubbard shoes. Remarkably light. Ridiculously comfortable. Crafted from the finest leathers and materials from all over the world for you to move, walk, work, live and play.
You won't believe how light these are until you try them on.
Shining Shoes: A Lost Art?
Holley's is proud to carry Johnston & Murphy's quality shoes. Even the highest quality shoes won't last if you don't take care of them.
Shining your shoes used to be something you did very often. If you didn't shine your own shoes, you paid a "shoe shine boy" to do it for you.
This, of course, was back during the glory days when men wore three piece suits to work every day.
Take the time to learn how to properly shine your shoes and add an extra touch of class to your overall look. Enjoy this video, and additional shoe care tips, provided by our friends at Johnston & Murphy.